Your big moment has happened! It was a perfect proposal, with the most beautiful ring and now you can’t wipe that smile off of your face. You can’t wait to share your big news with the world! And the best place to share big news is social media of course! Whether you choose Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or all of the above, you want to post your news in the most positive light possible. By following certain rules of etiquette you can ensure that your post will be celebrated and earn you many ‘likes’.
The VIP List
Before you reveal your big announcement to the world, it’s important that you personally tell the news to the VIPs in your life. We are talking about parents, grandparents, siblings and close friends. You can tell them in person or on a phone call, but please don’t have your grandma find out you are engaged at the same time your old classmate from middle school does.
Ring Selfie – Do or Don’t?
Is it ok to post a photo of your ring? Absolutely! People really want to see what the ring looks like and you should be proud to show off such a beautiful piece of jewellery. However don’t forget the engagement is more than just a ring, it is about two people making a commitment to spend a lifetime together. A photograph of the two of you together while you show the ring, or a portrait of the two of you as a couple and a second photo of a close up of the ring are both great ideas. And if you are going to post an engagement ring selfie, remember the best photos have beautifully manicured fingers over a picturesque background.
Sentiment, Not Size
Your ring is supposed to represent a lasting love, not how much money was spent. It is never ok to share the cost of the ring or the carat size of the diamond on social media. That information should be kept to yourself. If someone comments on your ring asking questions about cost or carat, just give a sweet but vague reply such as “it’s priceless” or “it’s the perfect size for me”.
Don’t Steal my Thunder
Think about how disappointed you would be if someone went ahead and announced your engagement before you had a chance to. With that in mind never share someone else’s big news on social media. You may be excited for them but it is their special moment and when and how they choose to announce it is up to them.
Ready or Not
Don’t post your announcement until you are ready for the whole world to know. Although you may only communicate with a handful of people through your social media accounts, when you post a BIG announcement a lot of people will like and comment on it. Social media is huge these days and you will be surprised who comes out of the wood work to offer their congratulations.
The Most Important Rule
Enjoy it! It’s a special time in your life and people are genuinely happy for you. Before you start stressing with wedding planning sit back and enjoy the moment. There are only a handful of moments so special in a person’s life so cherish the happiness of being in love.